29 April 2010


Wow, what a surprise. My wife is the youngest of 3 sisters. Over the years there have been lots of arguments, and unfortunately because there are three girls, it's often two ganging up on the other.

As mentioned previously, her eldest sister has fallen out big time and decided to send a really hurtful email. That wasn't really an issue as she has treated us badly for a number of years. It was rather funny.

So there we go starting a week with one less sister to think out. Then out of the blue, my wife received an email via friendsreunited. It was from someone asking questions about my wifes father. To be honest, the name of the person wasn't a surprise as we had undertaken a bit of research in the past and were able to confirm with this person, that she and my wife were actually half-sisters.

A lot of conversations have since taken place, and now instead of loosing a sister, my wife has gained a half-sister and two half-neices.

I can see a meeting coming up soon. It would be great to see the new additions to the family. Hope that the problems between my wife and her sister don't cause any issues.