I'm rather torn about Facebook and the whole idea of social networking sites.
I'm not really sure why anyone wants the world to know what they're up to. So what if one of my friends is going to the pub tonight, or going on holiday to Las Vegas for the weekend.
Years ago, the clue that someone was on holiday was when they forgot to cancel their milk delivery. Now all someone needs to do is trawl through Facebook and other social networking sites and you'll be able to find out who's not at home and therefore leaving their property open to visits by some un-savoury characters.
I've tried Facebook, and I'm guessing it's a way of keeping in touch with lost relativies. Amazingly there are other options available as well for example the telephone or even email, but it seems that unless you notify someone about something via Facebook then it doesn't really matter. I know of people who announce to their 'friends' via Facebook that they are now engaged, rather than telling their own family in person.
The other thing is all the Facebook games. I've tried some of them, and after a while you get to a point where you can't do anything more. For example Social City. A fun little game along the lines of SimCity. Being a meglomanic at heart, I enjoy these sorts of games. But you get to a point where unless you have a number of 'Friends' playing these games and want to be your neighbours, then you're stuck.
I don't want to hassle my friends to find out if they are playing Social Farm City Ville. I don't care what everyone else is doing.
For me, Facebook will be around just because you have to these days, but for talking to my immediate family I'll rely on that proven telephone technology, and for the games I think I will stick to board games. They're more social so sure that makes a mockery of the definition 'Social Networking'.
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