Well here we are at the end of June and it looks like the summer weather might now be with us.
A few things have been going on since I last posted on this blog, but I thought I might update you with this weekend.
Yesterday we had to go out and purchase a few more items for our niece who has just turned 5. Tesco in Hookwood is very good for that sort of thing as it has a large clothes/books/present area's so that's where we headed.
After finishing the weekly shop we then headed home. We've got Sky+HD at home so have had a number of programmes that we need to catch up on due to the World Cup being on. We therefore sat through a few of them before heading out to the Theatre Royal in Brighton to see Spamalot.
In the past we've been caught up in all the traffic heading to the cost, so this time we thought we'd take another route via Ditchling Beacon. The views from the hill are amazing but unfortunately I couldn't see anything as there were bikes on the road so I obviously had to be wary of them as they were oblivious to any cars that were around.
Once we got to the theatre we had a wonderful time. We've seen a lot of musicals, and have seen Jodie Prenger in Oliver so it was good to see her in a different production and out of the West End. She is obviously a fun person and the role of the Lady in the Lake was ideally suited to her.
After the theatre, we once again experenced some of the cyclists around Brighton. I might be rather confused, and therefore apologise, but aren't cyclists covered by the same rules of the road as the rest of us. We saw so many of them riding through red lights, having bad lane discipline, ignoring other road users, and probably the worst offence of all, running across pedestrian crossing when people were walking across.
Something needs to be done abou the rules of the road in this country, and more police need to be on the road to enforce them. Someone will be injured or even worse killed by a cyclist soon and that will be too late.
26 June 2010
15 June 2010
Facebook Games
I know I've made comments about the games on Facebook and the fact that you need 3 million neighbours in order to grow a blade of grass, but you've got to have something to do whilst watching the 32 best football teams in the world playing in the World Cup.
Tonight we're watching the 1st rated team (Brazil) playing the 105th rated team (North Korea). Not really holding much hope of this being the best game of the tournament, so I need to find something to do whilst I wait for ITV to put more adverts on as the goals are scored.
Looking at some of the other games I play, I noticed one called Millionaire City. It's only been available for about a month on Facebook but it appealed.

As those close to me know, I'm a bit of meglamaniac at heart. Many years ago when Civilisation came out for the PC, I used to play it for hours. It was a challenge to myself to improve - either to get a bigger result, or to get to the end result quicker.
Millionaire City looks to be a long the same lines. You have to build up your city working on little missions to build up your money so that you can buy bigger and better buildings. It takes a while for the money to roll in, but that's part of life anyway isn't it.
Oh well, 20 minutes in and my rent is about due so time to sign off for the night to get everything sorted out.
Tonight we're watching the 1st rated team (Brazil) playing the 105th rated team (North Korea). Not really holding much hope of this being the best game of the tournament, so I need to find something to do whilst I wait for ITV to put more adverts on as the goals are scored.
Looking at some of the other games I play, I noticed one called Millionaire City. It's only been available for about a month on Facebook but it appealed.

As those close to me know, I'm a bit of meglamaniac at heart. Many years ago when Civilisation came out for the PC, I used to play it for hours. It was a challenge to myself to improve - either to get a bigger result, or to get to the end result quicker.
Millionaire City looks to be a long the same lines. You have to build up your city working on little missions to build up your money so that you can buy bigger and better buildings. It takes a while for the money to roll in, but that's part of life anyway isn't it.
Oh well, 20 minutes in and my rent is about due so time to sign off for the night to get everything sorted out.
2010 World Cup
Well, along with numerous other people in the country, we're watching the 2010 World Cup from South Africa.
A couple of years ago, I visited South Africa with the company - part of a jolly to reward us for our efforts. Whilst there we visited Cape Town and like numerous other travellers we went up Table Mountain. At the time there was a construction project going on below us. This was pointed out as being for the 2010 World Cup. It's now amazing to see the stadium completed and in use.
Last night I watched the Italy v Paraquay game, and to date I can't say I'm that impressed with the show we've been given. So far the only game that's offered any kind of entertainment was Germany v Australia. We all know that the English don't like the Germans (to be honest we don't like anyone), but I hae to say they were very clinical and controlled in their approached. They seemed to be the only team so far that look as though they can win.
It's only the first few games, but some of them have been extremely dire. Take France v Uruaguay. The most exciting thing in that game was the constant drone of those darn horns.
It's funny listening to all the whinging and complaining going on, but what people seem to forget is that it's a common thing in South Africa. Why should the rest of the world dictate would should and shouldn't happen in another sovereign country. It might give the rest of the world nightmares of bees and wasps attaching them, but to the South African fans it's what they do. If the World Cup does come to the UK in the next few years, I'm sure we'll have our own 'noise' to show to everyone.
Now we get to the England v USA game. The biggest issue for me is the complete cock-up by ITV. To win the right to show our first game, and to then show an advert at the same time as England score is just a disaster. It's not the first time it's happened, and unless they sort themselves out, I'm sure it won't be the last.
I'm not sure what the problem is with the English press. Robert Green made a mistake ad the ball went into the net. Once again it's not the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last. We need to put this behind us now and look to the rest of the games. What's the point of dwelling on one incident in the 40th minute and forgetting the rest of the game. A number of excellent saves were made but these have been convieniently forgotten.
Give the guy a break. Accept that Capello will, and should, put Green between the sticks against Algeria. Support the team and accept that if we do win the World Cup it will be amazing. We don't have the players to achieve this.
Just accept what's going on and enjoy the games from the teams that are supposed to be the top 32 around the world.
A couple of years ago, I visited South Africa with the company - part of a jolly to reward us for our efforts. Whilst there we visited Cape Town and like numerous other travellers we went up Table Mountain. At the time there was a construction project going on below us. This was pointed out as being for the 2010 World Cup. It's now amazing to see the stadium completed and in use.
Last night I watched the Italy v Paraquay game, and to date I can't say I'm that impressed with the show we've been given. So far the only game that's offered any kind of entertainment was Germany v Australia. We all know that the English don't like the Germans (to be honest we don't like anyone), but I hae to say they were very clinical and controlled in their approached. They seemed to be the only team so far that look as though they can win.
It's only the first few games, but some of them have been extremely dire. Take France v Uruaguay. The most exciting thing in that game was the constant drone of those darn horns.
It's funny listening to all the whinging and complaining going on, but what people seem to forget is that it's a common thing in South Africa. Why should the rest of the world dictate would should and shouldn't happen in another sovereign country. It might give the rest of the world nightmares of bees and wasps attaching them, but to the South African fans it's what they do. If the World Cup does come to the UK in the next few years, I'm sure we'll have our own 'noise' to show to everyone.
Now we get to the England v USA game. The biggest issue for me is the complete cock-up by ITV. To win the right to show our first game, and to then show an advert at the same time as England score is just a disaster. It's not the first time it's happened, and unless they sort themselves out, I'm sure it won't be the last.
I'm not sure what the problem is with the English press. Robert Green made a mistake ad the ball went into the net. Once again it's not the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last. We need to put this behind us now and look to the rest of the games. What's the point of dwelling on one incident in the 40th minute and forgetting the rest of the game. A number of excellent saves were made but these have been convieniently forgotten.
Give the guy a break. Accept that Capello will, and should, put Green between the sticks against Algeria. Support the team and accept that if we do win the World Cup it will be amazing. We don't have the players to achieve this.
Just accept what's going on and enjoy the games from the teams that are supposed to be the top 32 around the world.
14 June 2010
New Start
It's been some time since I last blogged, but there's been a lot happening, both in my personal and my business life.
On the business side, there has been a lot of pressure that has been causing me no end of problems. On 7th May, one of my team left the employment of the company. The details aren't important but suffice to say that neither him or us wanted the split to happen.
Since that time, I have been trying to complete lots of the projects that he was involved with along with dealing with my own issues. This has obviously been causing me issues, and leading to lots of sleepless nights.
We therefore needed someone to replace the missing member of staff and I was pleased that the position was offered and accepted by someone Lorraine knew. Today was the day that he joined the company. I'd met the applicant briefly as he had worked with Lorraine in a previous position, and in a way I was happy to be able to assist him in leaving his position.
Now begins the hard work on training him on our systems, and unfortunately having to let the staff members loose on him. Hopefully everything will work out successfully and he will continue with the company.
On Saturday, we made our annual visit to the South of England Show at Ardingly. This is a great place to go and there are numerous trade stands to buy things at. Once again we made our way to the food halls as this is where we find some of the good products that we have used over the last year.
Once again we purchased some sauces and marinades from Jethro's. We've used this for a few years and they really give a great flavour to meat and salads. We also purchased some powders to go with mayonnaise. Doesn't sound like much, but when mixed together, they come up with some really flavoursome mixes. I'm looking forward to making some up and using it with some crips whilst watching the World Cup. The final item we purchased was from a company called Proven Products Ltd. The item they were showing was called the 3 Minute Frame. Basically this is a way for you to make your own canvas prints and to re-use the frames if you tire of your picture. A simple solution, but effective. Now it's just a problem to find the pictures we want to show on canvas.
Once we finished our walks around all the trade stands, and the small animals we then got our lunch and headed over to the main arena. This is where all the bigger shows go on, but the one we were looking forward to was the foxhounds. I realise that there are major feelings about whether fox hunting should be banned or not, and following the unfortunate incident in London, this is likely to come up again for discussion. However the sight and sound of 9 packs of extremely well trained dogs running around the arena under the control of the huntsman was amazing. The other sight was seeing the magnificent and well cared for horses running around. Sometimes you feel happy to live in the country where these pursits go on.
On the business side, there has been a lot of pressure that has been causing me no end of problems. On 7th May, one of my team left the employment of the company. The details aren't important but suffice to say that neither him or us wanted the split to happen.
Since that time, I have been trying to complete lots of the projects that he was involved with along with dealing with my own issues. This has obviously been causing me issues, and leading to lots of sleepless nights.
We therefore needed someone to replace the missing member of staff and I was pleased that the position was offered and accepted by someone Lorraine knew. Today was the day that he joined the company. I'd met the applicant briefly as he had worked with Lorraine in a previous position, and in a way I was happy to be able to assist him in leaving his position.
Now begins the hard work on training him on our systems, and unfortunately having to let the staff members loose on him. Hopefully everything will work out successfully and he will continue with the company.
On Saturday, we made our annual visit to the South of England Show at Ardingly. This is a great place to go and there are numerous trade stands to buy things at. Once again we made our way to the food halls as this is where we find some of the good products that we have used over the last year.
Once again we purchased some sauces and marinades from Jethro's. We've used this for a few years and they really give a great flavour to meat and salads. We also purchased some powders to go with mayonnaise. Doesn't sound like much, but when mixed together, they come up with some really flavoursome mixes. I'm looking forward to making some up and using it with some crips whilst watching the World Cup. The final item we purchased was from a company called Proven Products Ltd. The item they were showing was called the 3 Minute Frame. Basically this is a way for you to make your own canvas prints and to re-use the frames if you tire of your picture. A simple solution, but effective. Now it's just a problem to find the pictures we want to show on canvas.
Once we finished our walks around all the trade stands, and the small animals we then got our lunch and headed over to the main arena. This is where all the bigger shows go on, but the one we were looking forward to was the foxhounds. I realise that there are major feelings about whether fox hunting should be banned or not, and following the unfortunate incident in London, this is likely to come up again for discussion. However the sight and sound of 9 packs of extremely well trained dogs running around the arena under the control of the huntsman was amazing. The other sight was seeing the magnificent and well cared for horses running around. Sometimes you feel happy to live in the country where these pursits go on.