Tonight we're watching the 1st rated team (Brazil) playing the 105th rated team (North Korea). Not really holding much hope of this being the best game of the tournament, so I need to find something to do whilst I wait for ITV to put more adverts on as the goals are scored.
Looking at some of the other games I play, I noticed one called Millionaire City. It's only been available for about a month on Facebook but it appealed.

As those close to me know, I'm a bit of meglamaniac at heart. Many years ago when Civilisation came out for the PC, I used to play it for hours. It was a challenge to myself to improve - either to get a bigger result, or to get to the end result quicker.
Millionaire City looks to be a long the same lines. You have to build up your city working on little missions to build up your money so that you can buy bigger and better buildings. It takes a while for the money to roll in, but that's part of life anyway isn't it.
Oh well, 20 minutes in and my rent is about due so time to sign off for the night to get everything sorted out.
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